b"M idWayM ix tM nature's short grasses 25S y s t e mi n ao B aBlue Grama Western WheatgrassArizona Cottontop c gE TSand Dropseed Purple Prairie CloverCane Bluestem species M Plains Bristlegrass Prairie WildryeCurly MesquiteTall Dropseed Waco IndiangrassTexas Cupgrass Black Grama Buffalograss Purple Three Awn Sand LovegrassSlim Tridens Tall Grama Virginia Wildrye Sideoats Grama Texas GramaGreen SprangletopRed LovegrassLittle Bluestem White Prairie Clover Midway Mix Item #2804Open Space 9 lbs / acre 25+ lbs $41.51 / lbLawn & Garden10,000 sf$220 / 5 lbs 2,000 sf $ 44 / 1 lb250 sf $ 19 D-Pak CAUTION:Before clearing your own patch of scorched earth Item #6091 WANTED! Mountain Cedars Dead and Alive$24A paradigm shift. Elizabeth McGreevys book totally changed my perceptions of Cedar (Ashe Juniper). Shes been digging 20 years into the politics, history, economics, culture, and ecology surrounding this Texas Hill Country tree from the 1700s to present. Since the 1920s, reporters, writers, scientists, landowners, politicians, and cedar fever victims began blaming Cedar as a non-native, water hogging, grass killing, toxic, useless species to justify its removal. Yet before the 1890s, people highly respected Mountain Cedars as large, straight-timber with strong, decay-resistant heartwood. Most were cut and sold to build a young hard scrabble Hill Country economy. Clearcutting old-growth forests / dense woodlands coupled with continuous overgrazing prairies that followed led to mass soil degradation and erosion. Nature acting to rebuild and safeguard soil, Cedars morphed into pioneering bushes and spread. Up to now, many an acre has been cleared based on cedar tall tales. The book raises the bar to help us better understand how cedar plays into17our critical resource management decisions."